Force Cyber Hub welcomes digital expert to support businesses

15 June 2016

Bedfordshire Police’s Cyber Hub has welcomed a new expert to its team in a bid to spread digital safety awareness to the business community.

The force’s new Cyber Security Advisor Sean O’Neil is a former senior investigating officer with Bedfordshire Police, who for the past three years has utilised his investigative background in the business sector with a large ecommerce company.

As part of his role as loss prevention, security and investigations manager Sean carried out probes into large-scale counterfeit allegations and high end cyber-enabled frauds.

With a wealth of experience in the business arena and 30 years’ police service under his belt, Sean’s mission is now to provide cyber security advice to businesses throughout Bedfordshire, in order to help prevent cyber attacks and bring companies together to help police tackle this growing field of crime.

Sean said: “For me, being Cyber Security Advisor for Bedfordshire Police is an ideal role. We have a wealth of small and medium-sized enterprises, large businesses and multinational companies with their base in the county.

“Bedfordshire Police has a team of investigators who are capable and driven to investigate these matters and my role is to encourage businesses to confidently report cyber attacks to the Cyber Hub, and allow them to trace the offenders responsible.

“I have seen things from both sides and want to use my experiences to go out to the business community and help them – help them to prepare so that they don’t become a victim of a cyber attack, and to help advise them and rectify the situation if they already have.”

You can hear more from Sean and his experience in his blog ‘Getting the bug for cyber’ at:

As part of his new role Sean is keen to engage with businesses, charities and community groups in the area to educate them about improving their digital security, and prevent companies and individuals from falling victim to cyber crime.

For more information or to arrange a cyber awareness session for your business, charity or group, email [email protected].

Please note, this is not a crime-recording tool and will not be monitored 24/7. To report cyber crime or if you think you have been a victim, contact police on 101.

For further information please email [email protected] or call 01234 842390
