Shape the future of business support – independent business survey launched

17 October 2023

The business survey for the South East Midlands area collates important insight and information about business confidence and performance in the region. The results inform policymakers and funders about priorities for regional economic development and the business support needed locally.

Understanding the challenges and opportunities identified by business leaders, and capturing trends over the long term – especially given the turmoil in markets – is important learning for decision-makers in how they best respond to the needs of businesses.

The 2023 survey is the seventh biennial business survey commissioned by SEMLEP on behalf of the region.

SEMLEP has commissioned Public Perspectives Ltd, an independent market research provider, to conduct the survey. It will be conducted from 16 October 2023 until early November, contacting a representative sample of businesses across the region.

How can you take part?

Businesses are also encouraged to approach Public Perspectives to contribute to the survey. Email [email protected] to express your interest in participating and a member of the team will be in touch to arrange an interview.

Alternatively, businesses can also respond to the survey online by clicking here.
