Velocity Business Advisers are Running Business Clinics in Luton and Kettering

12 April 2016

Are you looking for a way to help your business unleash its potential? Our businesses advisers will be helping you develop your business, identifying funding and investment opportunities and sharing some quick wins on how to grow your business successfully! These business clinics will be running in Luton and Kettering.

Ruth Roan our business adviser for North Northamptonshire will be running business clinics at Chesham House in Kettering on 20th April, 25th May and 22nd June. She has the following time slots available for each day: 9.30am, 11am, 12.30pm and 2pm. If you are a Northamptonshire based business and are interested in attending a business clinic please email Ruth on [email protected]

Bisola Orimalade our business adviser for Luton, Dunstable and South Bedfordshire will be running business clinics at Basepoint in Luton on 19th May 2016. She has one hour slots available from 9am to 5pm. If you are based in Luton, Dunstable or South Bedfordshire and are interested in booking one of these slots please email Bisola on [email protected]

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